Power is not shared between bases, and cannot be transferred. Tiberium and crystal are not shared between bases, but can be transferred between bases (at the cost of credits). Research points are not available through supply packages. You can also click the "+" button adjacent to a resource as a shortcut to activate a supply package in your current base. The resources are added to your currently selected base (except credits, which are shared across bases, see below). You can activate any package using the specified number of supply points (which regenerate over time). There are supply packages for tiberium, for crystal, for power and for credits. Which resources are available using supply packages? The amount of resources you get through combat are scaled with the base level, destroying more difficult bases awards more resources. (You could get a supply package containing power through combat, see below). Power cannot be obtained through combat directly. You can obtain tiberium, crystals, credits and research points through combat.

Which resources are available through combat? There is no building to generate research points. To get crystals, build a harvester on a crystal field (blue). To get tiberium, build a harvester on a tiberium field (green). You can get resources by building structures that generate resources, by doing battle, by completing missions, or by using supply packages. Official game FAQ for Command & Conquer: Tiberium Alliances from